Sun, Jul 23, 23.

Hebrews Overview (01)

  1. God spoke through prophets and angels in the past [Heb 1:1]
  2. He spoke through His Son in the latter times [Heb 1:2]
  3. The message spoken by prophets, angels and the Son is salvation [Heb 1:1-2; 2:2-3]
  4. The salvation is through Jesus Himself [Heb 2:10]
  5. The message carries a heavy warning, because it is from the Son [Heb 2:1-3]
  6. The message is a command, and not a suggestion [Act 17:30-31]
  7. This present age is subject to angels [Heb 2:5]
  8. The age to come is subjected to man (i.e., glorified sons of God) [Heb 2:5].
  9. Man is not yet mature enough (i.e., not yet glorified) for the earth to be handed over to him [Heb 2:6-8].
  10. Jesus is the head of this new glorified man [Heb 2:9].
  11. Jesus however has been glorified [Heb 2:9].
  12. God wants to bring many sons to glory, but the author of the epistle takes for granted that his audience might not know what he means. He didn’t bother explaining it [Heb 2:10].
  13. Jesus is the author of our salvation [Heb 2:9-10].
  14. The goal of salvation is perfection [Heb 2:10].
  15. Perfection is to be complete.
  16. The message is Jesus bringing many sons to glory [Heb 2:10].
  17. The author again takes for granted that the devil has the power of death, and that Jesus is to destroy the devil. He doesn’t expatiate [Heb 2:14].
  18. Jesus helps Abraham’s descendants
  19. Not just Abraham’s descendants, but men since the foundation of the world [Heb 9:25-26].
  20. Jesus appeared at the end of the world [Heb 9:26] (Bonus point).
  21. The second death is for men and angels [Rev 20:10], but the author says Jesus’ death is only for flesh and blood; not for angels [Heb 2:14-16].
  22. Jesus had to become a man, so that he could be a merciful and faithful High Priest. And make atonement for the sins of the people [Heb 2:17]. To make sure Jesus is merciful and faithful, He had to become flesh and blood. This is the message of the book of Hebrews.
  23. In order to partake of the glory that Jesus brings, we have to hold on to Jesus [Heb 3:6].
  24. The word of God is discerns/judges sins, the word of God is going to expose sin [Heb 4:12-13].
  25. Chapter 2 presented Jesus’ high priesthood and atonement, in Chapter 4, the author begins to focus on the high priesthood of Jesus, and will deal with the atonement later
  26. The mercy of Jesus’ priesthood has to do with His ability to sympathize with our weakness [Heb 4:15].
  27. God is the one who said Christ is His Son, and in doing so, makes Him [the High] Priest [Heb 5:1-6].
  28. Perfection is for those who OBEY Jesus [Heb 5:9].
  29. The summary is that Jesus was appointed by God. He didn’t make Himself High Priest.
  30. The two immutable/unchangeable things of Hebrews 6:18 are the oath to bless Abraham with many descendants, and the oath to Jesus that He would be a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek.
  31. Drawing near to God is a goal of God for us [Heb 7:19], but again, the author says it in passing; like it’s something with which his audience is familiar.
  32. The main activity of Jesus as our high priest is intercession [Heb 7:25].
  33. God does not need the Law to condemn sinners (see Job, and other sins before the Law).